Headphones for tablet

Tablets do not have very powerful sound systems. That can make if there is background noise, it will be difficult for you to hear the audio. Also, you cannot always use the speakers of these devices, as it may disturb other people around you. So having a tablet headset can be a great option.

With this type of headphones you can escape from your environment and focus on exactly what you want to hear, in addition to being able to hear something and of course all the content or the conversations that you are having ...

Best tablet headphones

Best tablet headphone brands

There are many brands of tablet headphones, some of them very popular, others not so popular. All those makes and models can make the user somewhat confused about which one to choose. If you want help, here is a list of the best brands with which you will not go wrong:


It is one of the most recognized firms in the audio sector.

Its products always have impressive quality, as well as good finishes and a multitude of new technologies and innovations to optimize sound. That makes them a safe bet if you're wondering which one to choose.


The Japanese brand has also created some of the best headphones on the market. With all kinds of details and technologies to improve the sound, giving you everything you expect from this type of product. In addition, they usually include sound suppression systems and facilitate listening on the move.


It is one of the best-known brands in the world of sound, taking great care of everything they do.

Therefore, it is not surprising that their products are always considered among the best quality and the most innovative. Also, the price / quality ratio is fantastic.


Another firm specialized in sound, especially in headphones and speakers. It has products for consumption and also for the professional sector.

They have managed to position some of their models among the best, with excellent value for money and a reputation that is growing.

Headphone types

Before you rush to buy some headphones for tablets, you should know all the types that exist at your fingertips:

  • Headband: they are the typical helmets. They are larger in size and have a diadem-shaped bow to anchor them to the skull. Despite being the most bulky, they are usually the ones that can offer the most power and quality, since they can mount larger speakers, or a greater number of them.
  • Gaming: They are usually of the headband type, in addition to including a built-in microphone. They have been created especially to meet the needs of gamers, to communicate during their online games. In addition, they are usually padded and quite comfortable, to be able to spend hours with them without causing discomfort.
  • For childrenNot only do they have a more childlike look and ergonomics adapted to them, but they also have volume limitations. This causes them to restrict the sound reaching their ears, which are more sensitive and could suffer damage and hearing loss if they use adult volumes. Keep in mind that hearing loss is not only caused by occasional use of too high a volume, but also comes through the accumulation of noise over the years. That is, it is cumulative, damaging little by little ...
  • CheapThese headphones are usually very inexpensive, but they are also usually quite simple and of inferior quality to the more expensive ones. Another of the things that differentiate them are usually the qualities of finishes and comfort.
  • In-Ear: earphones that are inserted into the ear are known as intra-aurals, which is why they are usually the most compact. In addition, they include pads that are usually interchangeable and adjustable according to the diameter of each person's ear canal.
  • On-ear: they are the supra-aurals, that is, those that rest on the ear but not cover it completely. They are not that popular these days, but they were in the past.
  • over-ear: the circum-aural ones, also headband type like the on-ear ones, but unlike them, the helmets do completely cover the ears. This also generates an additional effect, and that is that they isolate from outside noise.
  • Bluetooth: they are wireless headphones, which will not need cables (up to 10m) to connect to the device. These headphones are becoming more and more popular for the comfort they offer, even more so for athletes who need more freedom when moving. Some may include touch control, a built-in microphone for conversations, communicating with the virtual assistant using voice commands, and more. The limitation in this case is that they will need a battery to work, so it must be recharged periodically (they usually last many hours).
  • With cable: these are the conventional ones, those that use a cable as a link. In exchange for being "tethered" to the device by a cable, they will not need batteries to function and are usually of optimal quality.

For tablet Bluetooth headset or wired headset?

The first thing you should analyze is what type of connection does your tablet accept, since the type of headphones you can buy will depend on it. Generally, most tablets have both the 3.5mm audio jack, as well as Bluetooth technology for wireless connection. But some recent tablet models are no longer using the jack, so you will only have the wireless alternative.

If you want to know what the advantages and disadvantages of each of the versions, here are the most outstanding ones:

Wired headphones


  • The audio quality is usually very good.
  • They are less affected by interference.
  • They do not need a battery, so you will always have them available.
  • They are usually cheaper.
  • They are not that easy to lose.


  • You have the limitation of the cable, something uncomfortable if you usually move or if you are practicing sports.

Wireless headphones


  • Very comfortable, providing all the freedom to practice sports or move (up to 10m approx.).
  • They usually include more touch controls.
  • They are very compact and light, in addition, by including a cover, they can be carried comfortably.
  • They allow multi-connection, with several devices at the same time.


  • They suffer more from interference.
  • They're more expensive.
  • They depend on a battery.
  • They can be lost more easily.

In function of your needs and these details, you can choose the ones that interest you the most, evaluating how each point affects you.

How to choose a tablet headset

Choosing a tablet headset can be a somewhat complex task if you don't know very well what to look for. So here are some fundamental parameters that will make a difference:

  • Frequency range: refers to the spectrum of frequencies that can be reproduced. The closer it is to the human ear, the better. That is, it should be from 20Hz to 20Khz, thus providing all possible nuances. The narrower the range, the more nuances you can miss, such as some low-pitched or high-pitched sounds.
  • Price: a very important factor, since it affects your pocket. You should always be very clear about the budget you have to invest in, and thus be able to filter only those models that fit your possibilities.
  • Autonomy: If you have opted for a wireless tablet headset, take a good look at the battery life. Some only last a few hours, others can last a whole day and there are even 30 hours or more. The longer the autonomy, the more hours you can enjoy them without having to charge the battery. As for charging, some use the case itself for charging (and even have a battery in the box so they can charge while in storage without the need for a plug), others charge via wiring.
  • Sound quality: It is important that the sound quality is good. Even more so if you are going to use them to listen to music. Some low-quality headphones have a poor sound, or it becomes distorted when the sound is raised, constant background imperfections are heard, etc. Therefore, always look for quality headphones, even better if they use technologies to improve sound and even sound suppression systems (passive / active). The experience will be much better.
  • Impedance: this resistance measured in ohms tends to be very different between one type of headphones and another. For example, in the in-ear it is usually at 16, while the supra-aurals reach 32, etc. The lower it is, the greater the power or volume. Therefore, always look for the lowest values.
  • Sensitivity: sound sensitivity is the efficiency of the headphones. Indicates the sound pressure generated by the earphone for a given level of the sound source. It is generally between 80 and 125 dB SPL / V. It is recommended that it be around 100 to be good and not represent a problem for your ears.

We hope we have helped you choose some good and cheap tablet headphones But if you haven't decided on any yet, here is a selection of today's best offers:

If you have come this far, it is that you still do not have it very clear

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